
December 26
Positive images are all around. Let's rebuild our Facebook, Instagram, Tic Tok and Twitter timelines by sharing positive social pages and influencers that positivily impact our community
December 29
Toro, Air B and B, and Vending machines have something in common! Come learn how that commonality can help us achieve financial goals.
December 27
Let's discuss, share favorite excerpts and read influential parts from our focus texts. Of course bring your own books that helped light a fire of self determination!
Focus texts:
Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbrogh and Napoleon Hill
Don't Dumb Down your Greatness by Anthony Frasier
Stamped: Racist, Anti-Racists And You by Jonathon and Ibram X
December 30
Let's build our vision board! Discovering and working in your purpose can be seen by prioritizing your goals. Gather the magazines and foam or bullentin board or visit Amazon for a curated collection to create your ultimate vision board for 2023.
December 28
Collective Works and Responsibility can be found in so many forms! Learn about how members of our Kwanzaa community have shared their passions to make a local difference!
December 31
Let's get creative to address our physical and mental health! Bring your nutritious food swaps, healthy recipes, workout / walking routines, and Selfie Sunday ideas.,
January 1
Join in on our virtual Kuramu, family feast while we are inspired to start and become local community changer in the new year!