Welcome to Aligned Tutoring and Instructional Services! From students struggling with grade level material to those excelling academically and naturally curious for more information, Aligned Tutoring has services for learners ranging from Pre-K through College academic levels.
This program helps busy families provide the opportunity for continuous learning to their students at-home.. While preparing activities and learning paths, I keep in mind values I want to instill in my child and that are important to me as a working parent. I encourage community and growth of the whole child by offering activities that include diverse cultural representation as well as promote positive social/emotional needs and physical well-being. For the students, the number one goal is to build a relationship in order to continuously unlock the learner's potential through his or her academic journey. I understand the delicate balance between fun and effective learning. By "disguising" learning in games and interactive group discussion, students absorb the information naturally creating an excitement for their sessions every week!
Thank you for looking into our services!
Ashley Neal
My Story
I am an experienced classroom teacher of 10 years. I graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and hold two Texas Education Agency certifications. The first certification for Early Childhood through 4th grade instruction and the other to instruct English Language Learners of all levels. Over my teaching career, I have taught and aided over 250 students. I understand the standards young learners are expected to master and enjoy using innovative techniques to achieve those standards.
During the year 2020, I was an employee in a corporate environment. I experienced working full-time from home and "monitoring " virtual schooling for my then 1st grade daughter. Even with the educational background and understanding, it was at times overwhelming to provide all the support and enrichment that my daughter needed. This dilemma birthed Aligned Tutoring.
Students in my program are referred to as "curious learners" to encourage and emphasize the importance of seeking continuous education. To aid the curious learners, I love to research new educational strategies and empower all children to follow natural learning curiosities. I also enjoy providing their busy families with ideas and support to progress young learners toward a well-rounded education.